Friday, 7 November 2014

Trying to tip the 'can't do' into 'can do'

Life is going on.

For some of us.

My family has had two major losses this year.

Death is instructive. There's the dealing of it in terms of practical tasks, and there's the missing someone and wondering if you can still put one foot in front of the other, and why there is no river of tears and a drowned pillow every morning.

You have to cope with your own feelings and still help others with their feelings.

And feelings are shape-shifters. One time they are this and another, that.

But you are learning how to deal with the shape of your life after.

Day by day

Does anyone know how to do it?

I can't do it. But I must, I will and I can.

And, what helps, is concentrating on the idea that I'm going to write a book about home education.
Lots of lovely research.

Lots of thinking.

And a nice feeling.